Ceremonies in Scouting
Ceremonies provide the opportunity to welcome people into Scouting, celebrate a move into another section or recognise someone’s achievements. They encourage self-discipline and mark a clear beginning or end to events.
Remember, ceremonies should be simple, short and sincere. Simple so that everyone can understand what is going on; short because if it is too long, Scouts become bored and fidget; sincere because unless taken seriously and the Scouts appreciate their value, there is no point in having them.
Ceremonies must be inclusive, and cater to the needs of the individual members of the section. It may be necessary to make reasonable adjustments to the section’s traditional ceremonies to ensure all young people can participate. For example, you may need to reduce the noise during a Grand Howl to include young people who have sensory hypersensitivities.
Below you will see a variety of ceremonies that you can undertake in each section.
Details of ceremonies can be found here